Under the aegis of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), within the framework of the General Scholarship Scheme, is offering five scholarships to Spanish nationals wishing to study [with the exception of Medicine, Dental, Paramedical (Nursing, Physiotherapy and Anesthesia courses) and Fashion courses] at graduate, post graduate or rese
rch levels in universities and educational
institutions in India during the academic year 2015-2016. The scholarships include enrolment
and the course fees, besides a fixed amount of living expenses. The scholarships are granted forone year with the possibility of renewal
A soft copy and two hard copies of the completed (typed and not hand written) and signed application form along with other attachments should reach us at respectively
es and the Embassy of India, Avenida Pio XII, 30-32, (28016) Madrid, latest by January 20, 2015. The request must specify the course the candidate wishes to undergo, together with the university / institute of his/her choice in India. In order to get a better idea and timely information including forms for these scholarships, desirous applicants are advised to visit the link ‘Scholarships to Spanish students under ICCR’sGSS2015-16’ under the ‘Information and Culture’ Sect
on of the Embassy website
and/or visit
For any further queries, interested students should contact the Culture and Academics Section of the Embassy of India in Madrid by fax at 91-345 11 12 or ernail to
es with copy to
[email protected]